People, who are suffering from depression, can understand how horrible this problem is. Depression and anxiety contribute to each other. It creates a vicious cycle to break. It is really very difficult to overcome depression. But it can become easier if we try to know how the body works. Anxiousness is a very common symptom of depression. They are best friends. Anxiousness generates depression. Being worried kills our ability to enjoy. We are constantly worried and doing nothing except this. Being depressed interrupts our ability to sleep. Good and enough sleep generate "feel good" chemicals like serotonin and dopamine in our body. In the lack of these chemicals people get subjected to insomnia. Exercise produces "endorphins" (feel good chemicals) in our body. People suffering from depression, always feel tired and don't exercise. So their bodies do not produce these chemicals at normal level. It generates fatigue, lethargy and hopelessness. If you will explain all this to your doctor, he will probably prescribe anti-depressants or sleeping pills. These drugs have numerous side effects as weight gain, irritability, insomnia and more. These drugs will not help you and can worsen your life. All these drugs are unnatural chemicals and can not cure the chemical imbalance of your body permanently. That's why natural remedies are for better than these prescribed drugs. Some herbs are clinically proven to beat depression. Natural remedies for depression - St. John's Wort - This herb is really very effective for depression and other mood disorders. It has been used for centuries to lift mood. Passion flower - This herb is very effective for anxiety, depression and insomnia. It contains antioxidants, which are very good for health. Mind Soothe - It's a product by Native Remedies. It is non-additive and doesn't have any side effects. It doesn't contain any artificial coloring and preservatives. All these drugs must be taken regularly and you can notice the results within three weeks. Changes in diet - Along with these drugs a few changes in your diet will help you to overcome depression. • Take fruits vegetables and whole grains in your diet. All these things contain antioxidants which help to generate serotonin and other chemicals in your body. • Lean meat, fish and fish oil is very good for depression. • Take 4-5 small meals in the whole day in place of two-three big meals. Small meals will give you more energy. • Try to reduce your caffeine intake. Caffeine is a stimulant; it disturbs sleep and nervous system. Avoid caffeine after 3pm. Choose a good exercise program - The best natural way to treat depression is exercise. Exercise can help you to have speed recovery. Even going for a walk is a tough job for the people who are depressed. Choose an easy and amusing exercise program rather being torture. Exercise gives us energy and helps to reduce stress. Only a regular walk can increase serotonin level of your body. When you will exercise, your body will produce more endorphins and you will feel better. For motivation, you can take help of a partner to exercise with you. By following these simple steps-take natural remedy in place of anti-depressants, make small changes in your diet and add a little exercise program to you life, you can have your life back.
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Posted by Kriti Arora
Labels: Depression Treatment