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Depression can be treated Naturally!

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Alternative Therapies For Depression

This article arises a question - why use unnatural chemicals when there are so many alternative treatments are available for depression? It has proved that all the natural alternative treatments affect the nervous system and give a soothing effect to the mind and the body. Natural healing treats the underlying causes of the problem instead of treating the symptoms. All these alternative approaches show the interconnection of mind and body. Prescribed anti-depressants affect body organs badly as well as they are addictive. Though in some cases medication is necessary, it is wiser to follow some alternative approaches along medication. Some natural alternative treatments are-

1. Acupuncture -

It is an ancient Chinese practice. Needles of different length are inserted into the skin at some specific points of the body. These points are directly linked to the part of the body requiring treatment. You have to give it some time before you decide it is working or not.

2. Massage -

It is very beneficial and effective treatment for depression. Massage provides relaxation to the body and mind. These are many type of massage-

· Shiatsu massage - massaging at the points of acupuncture.

· Sports massage - massaging the injured part of body.

· Spinal massage - massaging the muscles near the spine.

· Neuromuscular massage - massaging the muscles and the nerves.

3. Bright Light Therapy-

Daily exposure to bright morning sunlight helps to generate certain "feel good" chemicals in body. This light strikes the retina and activates a particular part of the brain known as "hypothalamus". This part affects sleep cycle, appetite, mood and sex desire. The combination of exercise and this therapy gives a good result. It you are not able to receive direct sunlight, you can use a light box.

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that occurs due to the lack of sun exposure during winters. This condition can be treated very easily by using bright light Therapy.

4. Herbal supplements -

Herbal supplement are good alternatives to avoid serious effects of anti-depressants. These are very helpful but should be bought of good quality. Vitamins are very helpful to reduce stress but should be consumed from a good health food or vitamin store. Vitamin B complex is very effective to soothe mind and body. Magnesium, Zinc and folic acid are very successful in dealing with stress related problems. Herbals may have a negative affect on other medications. Always use high quality supplements. They should meet all pharmaceutical standards.

5. Exercise, diet and good sleep - These three things are interconnected, and are very essential to relax mind and body. Do a plenty of exercise and this will give you good sleep. Drink lots of water and take a balanced and nutritious diet. Include fruits, green vegetables and whole grains in your diet. These entire things contain anti-oxidants which help to generate "feel-good" chemicals in body. Cut out caffeine entirely from your life, as it interrupts sleep.

Make an exercise program for yourself. Regular and moderate walk can increase serotonin level of body naturally. For motivation, you can take help of your friends. Exercise and good diet will help you to have good and sound sleep.

If you really want to solve your problem, start loving and caring your body. This natural approach of healing needs a lot of efforts and time. By following this approach you can combat depression and can renew your life.