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Connection Between Food and Depression

Choosing the right food for depression is one of the most effective weapons to vanish the blues. By making a few changes in your diet, you can see mind-blowing results. Combination of food and exercise! That is the best.

You won't believe but it's true that your unbalanced diet can push you into the ocean of depression. If you are not taking a balanced diet, your body is like a beautiful car running on dirty fuels.

Do remember, we not only feed our bodies as well as our minds. We know but we fail to remember that "Healthy mind lives in a healthy body." When our bodies don't get proper and sufficient nutrition, our minds break down. Eating the right food can change your outlook on life.

Depression can be classified in two categories- internal and external. External depression is caused by some external problems or events of life such as death, injury, accident etc. It is temporary and needs medication and time to heal. But internal depression is chemical imbalance in body. Right kind of food in right quantity can cure every type of internal depression.

All type of foods can be divided in two categories- acidic and alkaline.70% alkaline +30% acidic is an ideal balance for our body. Access of acidic foods (tea, coffee, chocolate, deep-fried foods, soda etc.) generate depression. External acidic sources like drugs, alcohol, cigarette and medication also affect body badly.

Our bodies need minerals and enzymes for cell production and regeneration. Acidic foods don't fulfill this demand of body. It results in weak immune system and poor health. All this leads to depression.

Alkaline foods contain all fruits, grains and vegetables. This group contains all essential nutrients which our bodies need. Alkaline foods neutralize the acid and keep body balanced.

All this information is of no use unless you turn it into action. If you really want to have healthy body and depression free life then give preference to alkaline food and try to follow the following tips-

(1) Create a chart for one week of everything you eat and drink. At the weekends try to replace the acidic with something alkaline.

(2) Include beverages in your diet other than water.

(3) Start your day with a solid breakfast. Take rich protein such as eggs and butter.

(4) Make a menu for the week containing the balance of acidic (30%) and alkaline (70%) food.

(5) Give up smoking as it affects body badly.

(6) Carbohydrate, protein and fat are very essential for lifelong health. Their quantity depends on the needs and demands of your body. This quantity varies time to time as body needs grater protein in the case of surgery, pregnancy, and inflammation.

(7) Minerals, vitamins, magnesium, folic acid, vitamin B-12, B-6, Zinc, and B complex all contribute to soothe mind and body. Try to include all these things in your diet.

So, healthy food not only cures depression but also many other diseases. A little change in your diet can change your life completely.