Pregnancy is the most special moment of a women's life. Pregnancy means you are going to add a new little member to your family very soon. But pregnancy is not always a happy moment. Pregnancy not only has physical changes but also has emotional changes. Sometime it is full of stress and worry. At least 20% of pregnant women develop depression. Pregnancy is a very delicate time. Depression can be very injurious to both mother and baby's health. But no need to worry, so many treatments are available for pregnancy depression. Depression is very common during pregnancy According to the common theory pregnant women can't suffer from depression. Pregnancy generates new hormones in body that protects pregnant women from depression. But a large number of women have failed this theory. Actually the rapid rise in certain hormones during pregnancy causes depression. Two percent of pregnant women face depressive symptoms and 10% face full depression. Causes of pregnancy depression: A number of factors contribute to pregnancy depression. Pregnancy brings a change in the chemical level of brain too. These chemicals control moods. A mis-balance in these chemicals leads to depression. In pregnancy, body's hormones change very rapidly and cause a change in the chemical levels of brain too. Other personal reasons like money matters, death of a family member, stress or an accident can also cause depression. Risk to both mother and baby: Depression can be developed at any stage of pregnancy. Following factors generate more risk for the disorders:- • Pregnancy loss • Pregnancy complications • Miscarriage • History of sexual abuse Obviously, depression and its medication affect most to the unborn fetus. These risks may be cardiac malformation and fatal breathing disorders. Symptoms and complications during pregnancy: Depression generates feelings of guilt, helplessness and sadness. Everything seems wrong. Depression during pregnancy may be accompanied by the following symptoms:- • Quick to temper and cry • Irritability • Fatigue and lethargy • Food doesn't make any sense • Recurring thoughts of hurting the unborn baby • Suicidal tendencies Pregnant women with untreated depression have to face a lot of complications:- • Abortion • Premature birth • Preeclampsia Treatments of pregnancy depression Natural methods are always better then medication to treat every kind of depression. Psychotherapy is one of them. It is very healthy and safe for both mother and baby. It helps to detect the underlying cause of depression and helps to control the feelings of guilt and sadness. Along with this a little exercise, yoga, regular walk, a balanced diet, vitamins and supplements can help a pregnant woman to a great extent. In some cases antidepressants can be used to treat pregnancy depression but never without the advice of a health professional. Some antidepressant can cause preterm birth and miscarriage. Traditionally, two types of antidepressants have been used to treat pregnancy depression - 1. SSRIS (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors ) 2. TCAS (tricycle antidepressants) Recent studies have proved that SSRIS can increase the risk of heart defects, irritability, respiratory problems in new born. Untreated depression can have serious effects on the health of a pregnant woman as drug abuse, sexually transmitted diseases and low weight gain. So try to follow the natural options to have a good and healthy pregnancy.
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How Can You Deal With Pregnancy Depression?
Posted by Kriti Arora