Depression is not only “mental” illness; it affects the whole body, mood and mind of an individual. It affects every little thing of your life. It affects your taste, diet, sleep, and feelings about yourself as well as about others. Sad or dejected mood for a little period of time is not depressive disorder. Depression is not a condition. An individual can’t throw it away from his life. Without treatment, depression can become very severe and can last for a long time.
Depression is the combination of two elements – Hopelessness and helplessness. Firstly, an individual creates negative image of himself, this negative image gives birth to feeling of helplessness. He feels that he is helpless and can not change the circumstances of his life. He starts believing that he has no control on his life and consequently feels very hopeless about everything around him. This feeling of “I can’t” generates depressive disorder.
Depression always springs from internal belief, not from anything external. A depressed person gradually makes a strong internal belief that he is powerless or not able to solve his problems or change his conditions whatever. This internal belief depresses him not his problems or conditions. This subconscious belief is the cause of depression.
Depression makes its impression on everything. It affects your thinking, feeling, behavior and even the physical health. A depressed person experiences poor concentration, short term memory or forgetfulness. Low self esteem, guilt, negative thinking etc. are common characteristics of depression. A serious depression can generate self destructive thoughts.
Depression reflects in the form of negative emotions and behavior. It makes a drastic change in appetite and sleep. A depressed individual enjoys living alone. Sexual desire disappears completely. In the extreme cases people start neglecting their personal appearance and even hygiene. Depression also affects capability and physical strength. Even getting out of bed in the morning becomes a struggle.
These negative emotional feelings are combined with negative physical emotions. Fatigue and drowsiness are very common. Depression disturbs sleep-wake cycle in two ways -some people don’t sleep soundly. They rise in the early morning or awaken a lot of times during the night. Others sleep a lot but still feel tired. Head ache, gastrological disorder, muscle pain, loss of appetite is very common in depression. Some people stop enjoying their favorite activities and feel unable to control their temper. Feeling of hopelessness becomes very prominent.
If you are also experiencing many of these things for a long time, you are in depression. If you feel so, visit a psychologist very soon. Depression is a curable disease. Instead of feeling depressed, do something about it.
You, yourself can try to live a depression free life. A new self-image is needed for this. An image in which your feelings and emotions are under control. You have to make the image of “I can” or “I am powerful”. External world can’t be controlled and changed but you can control your internal world, your emotions and feelings. It is very easy and simple to say all this, but takes a lot of efforts to do. The only thing you have to do is to reframe your thoughts and attitude. It will lead your life to joy and happiness from depression and hopelessness.